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Helmet Bands

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Design and order your own personalized helmet bands. Choose to have just your name (and how you want it positioned on the tag), or add your blood type and battle roster to the tag as well.

Your info will be embroidered onto ½ inch tape and sewn onto band.

Add the Blood Type for an additional $1.00 and Blood Type and Battle Roster for an additional $2.00.

Preview not available for this product.

NOTE: If ordering the same product in bulk, but just different names, please type “See Email” in the name fields, then email the list of names to help@nametapefactory.com.  Just make sure you have the quantities of names wanted correct before checkout.

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    (Blood type will be over the left ear as you are wearing it)

    (Blood type will be over the left ear and Battle roster will be over right ear as you are wearing it)

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